Is Turkey Safe for Your Dog?,
Gluten & Grain Free Flour &
National Senior Pet Month
Wheat Free Turkey Dog Treats
Is turkey safe for your dog? Sometimes ... Here are the Turkey Do's and Don'ts:
Turkey Do:
- Give your dog a small amount of lean white meat as a treat. Be sure to cut the meat into bite size pieces for your dog.
Turkey Don't:
- Never give your dog turkey skin, bones, fat or part of the turkey seasoning or gravy. All of these things can give your dog an upset stomach, or worse. Make a batch of my turkey dog treats to make the day special. Or, even better, take your dog on a long walk to show your thankfulness for having her in your life. :)
Wheat Free Turkey Dog Treats

Here's what one reviewer of this recipe said:
Cindi said:
"Just thought I'd let you know, I tried making the wheat free turkey dog treats with leftover Thanksgiving turkey. I used the same amount of oil & water, but substituted vegetable oil for the canola because that's what I had. I didn't have oat flour but grinding up the oatmeal in my blender worked out just fine. Although I didn't taste them, my dog seems to really like them! They smelled good while baking. Also, they were very easy to roll out and didn't stick at all. Thanks for the recipe! I'll be making them again."
Dog Treat Baking Tip
Does your dog need to steer clear of wheat and/or grains? Are you having a hard time finding suitable dog treat recipes? There's an easy solution to help your dog get the needed treats to stay healthy and vibrant.
One word, substitute. Find a homemade dog treat that you think your dog will enjoy, and then switch out the flour.
Many major grocery stores now have gluten free flour mixes. It takes all the guess work out of what to use. You simply replace the wheat or gluten flour on a one to one ratio with your premade mix of flour.
Do you need to avoid grains too? Then you can use my simple flour mix as a substitute. For every cup of gluten and grain flour that needs to be replaced you will use:
1/2 cup almond flour (also called almond meal)
1/4 cup Garbanzo bean flour
1/4 cup tapioca flour (also called tapioca starch)
Stir these flours together and replace the gluten and grain flour for a healthy alternative.
What's your baking tip? Or, do you have a question? Hit reply to this newsletter and I'll be happy to help you. :)
National Senior Pet Month
Those who have had the privilege of sharing our life with a senior dog know how much joy they can bring.
This November is National Senior Pet Month. If you are looking to bring a new four legged family member home, please consider an older pet.
Benefits of Older Pets
- Calm - Most older dogs are calmer and less energetic than their younger counterparts. This makes interacting and bonding with them a quicker process.
- Smart - An older dog will already know the ropes of life with people. Potty training, crate training and even some tricks are already a part of their routine.
- Hope - Give these sweet dogs a second chance at a happy and loving home. You are sure to get back more than you give when you adopt a senior dog.
Check out Pet Finder for even more information and videos:
Are you and your dog hungry for more? Let me know what you would like to see on the Dog Treat
Want more of a certain type of recipe? Need treat ideas for your next dog party? Let me know what's missing from the dog treat pantry and I'll get to it right away.
Thanks for reading. Until next time,
Happy Dog Treat Baking!