Are dog bubbles with soap safe for my dog?

by DD

Hello, I am no understand very well english. I would like to make the recipe of bubbles for my dog. But about the recipe of dog bubbles you said: "to use a kid-safe homemade bubble solution. One easy recipe for homemade bubbles that works nicely is 1/4 cup of liquid dish soap, 1/2 cup of water and 1 tsp sugar".
I don't understand what you said: the dog won't intoxicate with dish soap?
I wait your answer and please if your answer in portuguese ou spanish thats ok. Or in very simple english to me understand. Thank you very much. DD

Chef's Answer ~ The bubble recipe is safe for your dog. The bubbles are made up of mostly air and a little bit of soap. Also, most dogs do not catch or pop all of the bubbles, so they are not eating or ingesting very much of the soap solution. If your dog is great at popping the bubbles, you may want to limit the play time to once a week because eating too much of the bubble solution may cause an upset stomach. I hope this helps! :)

I'm sorry I don't speak Portuguese or Spanish, but if one of our readers does, please feel free to translate my answer by leaving a comment. Thank You.

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Lost a link
by: Anonymous

Hello, its me again. I lost the link when you have the recipe for bubbles dog. Could you send me a link please? Thank you very much. DD

Hi DD, here is the Dog Bubble Recipe you wanted. Also, if you can't find something on the website, you can always try the Search function to help you find what you need.

Thank you very much!
by: DD

Michelle, thank you very much for your answer. I understand what you wrote in simple words. Success for your site! DD

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