Charlee - Jack Russell Chihuahua Mix

by Heather
(Wahiawa Hawaii.)

Born December,3,2011

My favorite treat is anything bacon flavored.

I know sit, stay, lay, play dead, dance, jump, and beg. When daddy's home I run to the door and pop it open with my nose and let him in.

My favorite toy is a bear my daddy got mommy for valentines day last year.

My daddy is a u.s. soldier so I am a military brat.

When I am in a deep sleep mommy says I run, kick, and bark then I roll backwards off the couch.

Charlee has one of the sweetest personality in a dog I have ever seen. He is so sweet he never barks unless it is something serious. I have never loved an animal so much in my entire life he is my world.

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Jack Russell Chihuahua
by: Anonymous

Jack Russell Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. But it seems to me it is a smart dog. My dog also belongs to same breed and I like it very much. Your website is very informative.

Jack Russells / chihuahua AKA Jackchis
by: Marilyn day

I love Chaelee I have 2 Jackchis they are sister. Lilly and Molly I love this breed. They have their own FB page Molly and Lilly Day i have a great time with my girls.

by: Anonymous

He is so cute!

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