Dexter - Olde English Sheep Dog

by Dani
(Pekin, IL, USA)

I got Dexter for my husband for Father's Day in 2008. He was 12 weeks old. He will be 3 in March. He now weighs 120 lbs and is the child my husband and I never had. Up until about 1 month ago, he shared our king sized bed (we had to buy it because our queen sized was too small for the 3 of us).

I am making all of my dog Christmas "cookies" for Dexter and all of my friends and families dogs. Dexter's favorites are the "Snickerpoodles", and I must admit that they smelled great while I was baking them. Dexter is not one to turn down any treat, but these so far seem to satisfy his sweet tooth.

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So cute!
by: Anonymous

He looks so cute! He must be nice to snuggle up to in the winter time.

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