Due to our dogs teeth, how do you make dog treats soft?

by Steven Schor
(Scottsdale, AZ)

What ingredient would I use to make soft dog treats? Our dog is older and has a lot of missing teeth and can only have soft treats. Is there an ingredient I use when I make treats to make them/stay soft?

Chef's Answer ~ You have a couple options to make soft dog treats. The first is for treats that you roll out and cut with cookie cutters. You will want to bake those for less time. Start with half the cooking time, and then check for doneness and texture for your dog.

Another option is to bake primarily dog muffins, cupcakes and dog cakes. These are meant to be soft, so you would not need to change most recipes. Depending on the size of your dog, you could use a regular muffin tin, or a mini muffin tin.

I hope that helps your dog get the treats she needs and wants. :)

Happy Dog Treat Baking! :)

Comments for Due to our dogs teeth, how do you make dog treats soft?

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Baking Powder
by: Mandee

I use baking powder to rise my treats and they usually come out a lot softer than when I dont use baking powder at all.

Dangers of not cooking thoroughly
by: Jo Perez

Couldn't it be dangerous to not thoroughly cook the treats if they have certain ingredients in them? I am really interested in making soft treats but I am scared I will make my dog or a friend's dog sick.


Chef's Answer ~ Yes, any dog treats that have eggs in them need to be baked thoroughly. You can check the doneness of your treats the same way as with a cake for a human. Stick a toothpick in the middle of a treat and if the toothpick comes out clean, no crumbs, then it is thoroughly baked through.

If you want to make soft treats you can stick to dog muffins and dog cupcakes. Their recipes will ensure that your finished treat is soft without having to adjust the baking time.

I hope that helps. :)

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