An egg paint is a healthy alternative to traditional icing. There is no added sugar, and the yolk has vitamins A, D, E and K. The recipe is also very easy with just a few ingredients. You can easily whip up a batch whenever the artful mood strikes you.
Red Egg Paint as Dog Treat Icing
The edible egg yolk paint is a type of dog treat icing that will dry hard and glossy.
Important Note: You can use this type of icing only if you apply it before you bake your dog cookies.
No need to let the white of the egg go to waste. Once you have your egg yolk in another bowl, cover the egg white bowl and place in the fridge. Maybe when you have the dog cookies in the oven you can whip up a very low fat egg white omelet for yourself and your dog to share (omit any salt or butter if sharing).
There are several ways of creating more colors by using the recipe above. You can use an empty Styrofoam egg carton and divide the whipped yolk into individual cups and then add the food coloring. Actually any small plastic or glass container can be used to divide the yolk before coloring. I tend to save the little plastic baby food cups and use those for a variety of applications.
The mixture may dry some during the painting, you can cover with plastic wrap to help prevent this. You can also add a couple drops of water to get things moving again. As with all dog treat recipes, the process should be fun, so relax and be creative. My guess is that you will hear very few complaints from your intended recipient!
There is no need for a dog on a restricted diet to go without decorated dog cookies. That's why this egg paint is so fantastic. It is simple to make, there is no added sugar and it's oh so much fun to apply! And, since they dry hard during baking, your artful creations can be stacked, refrigerated or frozen for future enjoyment, gifts or special occasions.
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