Avoid Foods Poisonous to Dogs,
Just a Bite May be too Much
We would never intentionally feed treats made from foods poisonous to dogs. We bake for our dogs, sleep with our dogs and overall just plain love our dogs. That's why we must learn what can be used in moderation and what should be avoided all together.
Keep Your Dog Healthy & Avoid
Foods Poisonous to Dogs

We will be considering dog treat ingredients that you will most likely find in your homemade dog treat recipes.
Be aware that a smaller dog may be more prone to the ill effects of some foods poisonous to dogs than a larger dog. The first time you introduce a new food, do so in a small amount and watch for upset tummies.
Common Dog Treat Ingredients that Should Be Avoided:
- Baby Food This is OK in small amounts. But, keep in mind that baby food may contain onions or onion powder. It may also contain excess sugar and salt, which are normally not needed in a dog's diet. If you decide to use baby food in your dog treat ingredients, review the benefits to buying and baking with organic dog treat ingredients.
- Cheese and Milk These are not foods poisonous to dogs. However, you should know that some dogs are sensitive to dairy products. Some even to the point of being lactose intolerant. You can use a recipe like the homemade peanut butter dog biscuits since it's made with soy milk, as an alternative. If your dog is lactose intolerant, you can substitute milk in a dog treat recipe for soy milk, almond milk or any other lactose free milk. Or, if you'd like to add variety to a recipe, you can substitute the milk for chicken or beef broth, or even water. You can also choose to use lactose free cheeses, or soy or almond based cheese for your dogs sensititve tummy.
- Chocolate Even though your dog may want a taste of your chocolate, avoid those tempting puppy dog eyes. Chocolate, in all of it's forms, except white chocolate, can make very dangerous dog treats. The result may be as small as vomiting or diarrhea, but depending on the type and amount consumed, it may also lead to abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures and in severe instances, death. With so many yummy dog treats available, skip the chocolate all together.
- Onions Onions have the ability to cause changes in red blood cells, possibly damaging them and causing anemia. Even though you only have a cause for concern if it is eaten in a very large amount, play it safe and avoid all onion products.
- Liver - This can be a great addition to any treat, but especially training treats. The aroma is hard to ignore, and most dogs will obey quite nicely to have a taste. However, large amounts of cooked liver can cause vitamin A toxicity. So, keep your dog guessing what will be in his treats next and avoid overloading his system with any one ingredient.
- Macadamia Nuts and Walnuts These nuts qualify as toxic foods for dogs. They contain unknown toxins that may result in weakness, muscle tremors and paralysis. Talk about dangerous dog treats! You also need to be aware that, while other varieties of nuts may be safe, they can be heavily salted, and they contain high amounts of fat. So keep these in moderation.
- Potato There is no problem with potatoes, except for the green parts, because they are toxic. In potatoes and other Solanum species, including the tomato, if the green part is eaten in large amounts, it can be dangerous. However, a bit of potato here and there shouldnt cause any problems for your dogs.
- Raisins and Grapes Unfortunately we don't know much about why these are foods poisonous to dogs, but we do know that they are. With so many other healthy choices of ingredients to bake homemade dog treats, don't risk it by adding either to your recipes.
- Salt Why do you put salt on your food? It's for flavor right? Well dogs have a lot less taste buds than we do. They get the "taste" of food through their incredible sense of smell. So, because of this, salt is just unnecessary. Also salt, in large amounts, can lead to kidney issues for your dog, and possibly pose a risk for the development of a sodium ion toxicity. So if she won't miss it, don't add it!
- Sugar and Sweeteners Sugar and sweeteners are similar to salt, just not needed, and not missed. But that's not the only reason sugar should be avoided. Some experts believe that continuous feeding of sugar can lead to hypoglycemia, obesity and tooth decay. Also artificial sweeteners are on the list of toxic food for dogs.
None of the dog treat recipes on this site contain foods poisonous to dogs. So, you can feel safe making homemade dog treats for your beloved family member.
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