If I use a food dehydrator to make the treats, does the meat need to be cured?

I worry about parasites in the meat with a food dehydrator, do you have any input?

Chef's Answer ~ To answer your first question in the title, No, the meat does not need to be cured. However, consult the user manual of your food dehydrader, just to be on the safe side.

The second question regarding parasites, are you concerned for yourself or your dog? If it's for you, you can follow safe meat handling techniques while the meat is raw. If the concern is for your dog after the meat is dehydrated, there's no need for concern. When using chicken or liver for your homemade dog jerky, just be sure that the internal temperature reaches 160 degrees.

The National Center for Home Food Preservation should be able to help you further if you have questions about making jerky out of pork, wild game or fish.

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