Smokie aka Mo Mo - Malti-Poo

by Valerie Starchuk
(Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada)

Smokie was born September 25, 2002. His favorite treat is actually broccoli!! You can't sneak it into the house, he smells it the minute you walk through the door and dances until you give it to him!!

He also waves "bye bye" when I leave and he also will sneeze on command and if you say "bless you" he keeps sneezing over and over.

He doesn't like to swim but loves to dive for rocks (which has not been good for his teeth). When he goes to the beach he just keeps going into the water, sticks his head under and will bring up rocks the size of his head and pack them back to the beach. He would do this all day long if he was allowed.

He has his special teddy which he has had since he was a puppy but also has a larger stuffed dog toy which he loves to beat up!!

If he has to go "out" he stands on his hind legs and dances. When I take him out all I have to say is "Be a clean boy" and he does what he has to do!! He is truly an amazing dog, I can't imagine life without my "lil woogie" ♥

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