Comments for sweet potato jerky feedback

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by: Marilyn

Where did you find your mandolin that will cut 1/3' slices? Was it expensive or budget friendly? Thanks!!!

Chef's Comments ~ Hi, thank you for your question. Since the original poster doesn't know you are asking this question, I thought I'd give you my thoughts on mandolins.

First, the original poster, Carol, said that she blanched the sweet potatoes before dehydrating them. I'm sure that process made them a little easier to slice on a mandolin. I do not recommend trying to slice raw sweet potatoes on a mandolin as they are extremely tough and you can slip.

On a personal note, I use and love this Mandoline from Amazon.

I hope this helps. :)

Dip in lemon juice and water!
by: Lois

I dip the slices in a dilute solution of water and lemon juice before placing them in the dehydrator and it keeps the treats from turning brown.

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